Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Hate... Stupid Girls!

As I rode home I thought to myself... What am I good at? Not a whole lot. I do however, excel at hating. I am a hater. I could be a professional hater if there was such a thing. And that's what this blog is for. Hating. I don't even know where to begin, the possibilities are endless!

My first entry is dedicated to STUPID GIRLS, ages 12-100. Women went through a lot to be considered equal to men. While I can understand the initial glittery, glossy allure of a television show with beautiful people being idiots, watching hours of Keeping Up With The Kardashians or Real Housewives of Beverly Hills does not a real person make. Consider going to a library and reading a book. Or go to a news website and see what's actually happening in reality.

No one wants to talk to a dumb ass that doesn't know who Gaddafi is, okay? Keep Up on Kurrent Events. Understand politics. The government relies on idiots like you NOT understanding laws and procedures and they use it against us. Vote, when you get a chance. Social awareness is important.

Pretty much anything is more deserving of your time than the Kardashians. If everyone stopped staring at them, they would eventually go away. I think. I hope. Just please do not look up to these people. I will list some women who are more deserving of your adoration. Women who are smart, funny, sucessful AND pretty.

Tina Fey, UVA, Writer, Actress, Comedian

Mindy Kaling, Dartmouth, Actress, Comedian, Writer, Producer

Amy Poehler, Boston College, Actress, Comedian
Overall, there's many ways to combat stupidity. If you are stupid, I'm sorry and maybe read more. Or kill yourself.

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